Our Services

All Star Group Holdings LLC ensures investment opportunities are accessible to creative projects that have the courage and ability to seize and execute them. We support businesses and partnerships in achieving not only their financial, but also broader strategic goals by helping them establish professional networks and cultivate markets.
investment evaluation

Evaluate and Identify Investments

Effective and efficient decision making is crucial for every business. So, we employ our know-how to help you evaluate investment proposals and identify opportunities that drive growth.

All Star Group Holding Investments

All Star Group Holdings Investments

Growing a business is a demanding process, and we are here to support you every step of the way in transforming your innovative idea into the successful business you’ve always envisioned.

connect with investors usa

Connect with Successful Investors

Every business is unique, and so are the investing strategies. That is why our fund connects you with the investors that will not only provide capital but also ad value to your business.


We are a New York City based fund who understands that startup companies have the ability to shape entire industries and to address urgent social needs as they do so. That is why we help them meet the challenges of today and prepare for tomorrow’s opportunities.

All Star Group Holdings LLC invests in a range of industries and sectors, but our central focus is hospitality, restaurant businesses, real estate and tech startups. Knowledge, ideas and experience from over a decade of collaboration with the best professionals in business have created the right tool for effective decision making.

We believe in the transformative power of innovative ideas. It’s about constant growth and development which comes from stepping out of our comfort zone. Continuously learning and sharing our knowledge and ideas has transformed our desire for growing into commitment to long term success.

all star investment holdings

Our approach

At All Star Group LLC we believe that progress happens by bringing together people who have the drive and the influence to shape and cultivate markets.

Knowledge and Expertise

We combine in-depth research with extensive experience and know-how to deliver efficient investment strategies.

Commitment to Innovations

We invest in creative thinkers and build a circle of trust with enthusiastic and dynamic teams to drive long-term success.

Scalability and Sustainability

We propel markets in creating solid ground and healthy environment for further investment opportunities.

Our Key Areas Of Focus

All Star Group Holdings LLC supports a wide array of projects, but our main focus is hospitality, real estate and tech startups.


Welcome your success.

hospitality and restaurant invest

Real Estate

Build a sustainable future.

invest in real estate

Tech Startups

Innovate with ease.

invest in tech startups

Meet our team

At All Star Group Holdings we believe in the power of transformative ideas and diverse teams.
all star group holdings
"What's really important is not to try doing everything by yourself but to try to connect with people and resources."
Nikola Buric
Managing Partner
"If we see the world the same way, we will see the same opportunities."

Milos Golovic
Managing Partner

Contact us

We are here for you.
all star group holdings